
Auglaize County ESC is proud to support our local school districts with the licensure process. we coordinate the licensing process for Auglaize County ESC licensed employees, New Bremen Local Schools, New Knoxville Local Schools, Minster Local Schools, and Waynesfield-Goshen Local Schools.

Meeting Dates:

January 10, 2024

February 10, 2024

To view our Committee Minutes click here.

New Licensure

LPDC Coordinator: Doug Adams

Contact Information: 419-738-3422 or

Professional/Initial/Alternative/ Supplement/Aide License

1. Click HERE for the license application from the ODE website. You will complete the application online and submit payment online.

2. You Will Need a BCI and FBI fingerprint check for this license. Click HERE to see ODE requirements. The ESC will run a BCI/FBI check for you (call 419-738-3422 for an appointment) between the hours of 8:00 PM - 3:30 PM. The cost of the BCI is $35 and the FBI is $35. You will need to bring your driver's license or state ID with you. (Not your teaching license). We accept checks or cash only.

3. Applying for a five-year license will require an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to be written.

Crisis Prevention Institute Training

LPDC Coordinators: Doug Adams and Lisa Tobin

Contact Information: 419-738-3422 or or

Renewing Five Year License

If you hold multiple certificates, click HERE to see how you can save A LOT of money!

To renew your five-year license, you must complete an online application and show proof that you have completed either six semester hours of coursework, 18 CEUs of professional development 180 "clock hours" of equivalent activities, or any combination that was planned and approved by an LPDC committee.

Step 1: Compile and turn in the portfolio:

Please organize and place the following in a mania folder or 3-ring binder and send it to the Auglaize County ESC. This shows the continued education you have already completed to renew your license. 

1. A copy of your current certificate or license.

2. Your IPDP plan from the last license cycle. This should be the one approved by the committee. 

3. All of your cover sheets and verification forms**

  • The four cover sheets include one for your district goal, two for professional goals, and one for PBIS hours. You must: 
  • Organize your CEU activities under the corresponding cover sheet that matches the work you did toward that goal.
  •  List the CEU verification from the oldest to the most recent.

  • Verification forms include: Verification forms include:
  •  Official or unofficial transcripts of any college work you completed under your license. Click HERE for the Conversion Chart.
  •  All "Certificate of Attendance" (CEU) documentation for the activities you completed under your license.
  • All activity vouchers for activities for which you do not have "certificate of attendance" documentation if needed. 
  • Click HERE for an interactive PDF of the Activity Report
  • Click HERE for the Word Document of the Activity Report
  • Please only turn in 18 CEUs.

The LPDC Coordinator will review your "Portfolio". If you have the 18 CEUs of documentation, you will receive an email notification with the steps to complete the online license renewal application.

Step 2: Fingerprints

FBI/BCI CHECK: The ESC can run the FBI/BCI check for you (call 419-738-3422 for an appointment) between the hours of 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. The cost of the BCI is $35 and the FBI is $35. You will need to bring your driver's license or state ID (not your teaching license) with you. The ESC accepts cash, check, or credit cards. A small fee applies when using a credit card. Jenny Berning at the ESC can check to see if you need both FBI and BCI completed at this time. Please call if you have any questions (419) 738-3422. Click HERE to see ODE's requirements.

  *Note: Your license will be denied by ODE if you do not have current fingerprints by file. 

Step 3: Online Renewal Process

Once your portfolio has been approved you will be able to go online and complete the application. Click HERE for directions to complete the online application from ODE.

Licenses will be e-signed by the LPDC Coordinator. Once signed, you will be able to go online to download and print a copy of your new license.

A new IPDP will need to be completed for this next license cycle.

Writing an IPDP

LPDC Coordinators: Doug Adams

Contact Information: 419-738-3422 or

To get acquainted with our LPDC Committee and access our meeting schedule and minutes, please click here.

Process for Writing an Individualized Professional Development Plan (IPDP)

A license renewal requires 18 CEUs of professional activities 6 semester hours of coursework, or any combination of the two. These CEUs must be pre-planned by writing a Professional Development Plan (IPDP) and approved by our LPDC committee.

PLEASE NOTE: Any activities that happen before the license effective date and approval of the IPDP plan by the local LPDC committee will not be accepted. Your building has LPDC committee members who will help you with this process.

Step 1:  Have the following documents before writing your plan: 

1. Your current year professional growth plan goals (if applicable) 

2. Your district's current and projected goals and initiatives as well as any directional system or vision in place.


Step 2: Complete the online IPDP form and click submit.

Follow the directions below:

  • Fill out your information
  •  All fields are mandatory except second license information as many do not have this. If you have more than 2 licenses, please enter the two most recent.

  • Write your District Goal. To write this, review your district's current and projected initiatives and any directional systems in place. Select TWO professional standards that align with your District Goal.

  • Write Professional Goal #1. To write this you may use the professional growth goals you have in place in your district or come up with your own. Consider what you plan to do in the next five years as you write your goal. Then select TWO professional goals that align with your goal.

  • Write Professional Goal #2 repeating the steps above. Then select TWO professional goals that align with your goal.

Tips/Suggestions for goals:

  • Use the CEU Options sheet to help you with ideas on what you may like to pursue in the next five years

  • Remember you are NOT writing activities so be sure you write GOAL statements, not activities.
  • For sample IPDP goals, click here

Your IPDP will be automatically emailed to Doug Adams at You MUST submit your IPDP Form no later than one week before the committee meeting.

Transferring IPDP

When you are leaving your school district, you will need to have your IPDP plan reviewed by the LPDC coordinator of that district.

The LPDC Coordinator will need to review your IPDP plan, activity documentation, and original transcripts for activities you completed during the IPDP timeframe,

The LPDC coordinator will review the documentation and sign a Verification Form for Educators Leaving the LPDC form that will allow you to count CEU's towards your next IPDP. Click HERE for the form.

You will then bring all documentation and the verification form to your next district's LPDC coordinator for review.

If transferring into an Auglaize County School District, you will need to write a new IPDP plan to complete the CEUs you still need. 

Go to and click on Licensure, then "writing plan" for instructions. Send your new plan, along with your verification form from your previous district to at the Auglaize E.S.C. 


If you have any questions, you can contact Doug at 419-738-3422 or

Advancing to Professional License

Amy Becher, ED Director of Special Education

Contact Information: Phone: 419-739-0128 Email:

Our special education professional development at Auglaize County ESC is tailored to enhance the expertise of educators working with students who have diverse and complex needs. We provide specialized training on individualized education plans (IEPs), behavioral interventions, and inclusive teaching practices, ensuring that educators are equipped with the latest strategies and resources. This ongoing professional growth supports our commitment to delivering high-quality, individualized instruction and fostering an environment where all students can thrive.

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