Our professional development programs at Auglaize County ESC are designed to equip educators with the latest skills and knowledge, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of their students. We offer a variety of training opportunities that focus on best practices, innovative teaching strategies, and emerging educational trends.
Our instructional professional development at Auglaize County ESC focuses on empowering educators with innovative teaching strategies and best practices to enhance classroom instruction. We offer targeted training sessions and workshops that address the latest educational research, technology integration, and effective pedagogical techniques. By continuously updating their skills and knowledge, educators are better equipped to engage students and improve academic outcomes, fostering a dynamic and effective learning environment.
No new trainings scheduled at this time.
Our Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training at Auglaize County ESC equips educators and staff with essential skills for managing and de-escalating challenging situations in the classroom. The training focuses on proactive strategies and de-escalation techniques to prevent crises and safely address behavioral issues. By emphasizing non-violent interventions and effective communication, CPI training helps create a safer, more supportive learning environment, enabling staff to respond effectively while minimizing disruption and ensuring the well-being of both students and staff.
Contact Donna Ankerman (dankerman@auglaizeesc.org or 419.738.3422) with any questions!
Training is required before dispensing any medication to students during the school day (State Law).
Online Course: The fee is $30 for participants outside of Auglaize County.
First Aid/CPR
Certain contracted positions require First Aid and CPR initial training and refresher training every two/ three years thereafter. Check with your administrator for your requirements.
Various summer dates. Contact the Auglaize County ESC at 419-738-3422.
New Teacher/Mentor Training
Held annually in August. Contact the Auglaize County ESC for a date. 419-738-3422.
Bus Driver In-Service
This in-service is required annually for all bus drivers.
Held annually in August. Contact Auglaize County ESC.
Communicable Disease Training
Certain contracted positions are required. Check with your administrator.
Apollo Career Center at 1-886-998-2824 or go to www.appollocareercenter.org
Mercer County Health Department
OSHA Training
Ohio Law states that all employees take Ohio Safety Hazardous Awareness training within the first year of their contract date of employment.
Online Course: The fee is $30 for participants outside of Auglaize County.
Child Abuse/Safety/Dating Violence Training
Ohio Law states that all elementary, middle, and high school teachers, administrators, nurses, counselors, and school psychologists take a four-hour child abuse training within the first year of employment and every five years thereafter. Daycare and preschool workers are required to take an initial six or four-hour training and a three-hour refresher every three years. Check with your administrator on the requirements.
Online 5-hour ODE-mandated course: The fee is $30 for participants outside of Auglaize County.
Six-hour training and four-hour training: American Red Cross in Lima, Ohio For registration, call 419-227-5121 or go to www.allenohrc.org.
WHEN you want. WHERE you want. AS MUCH as you want.
Online PD is all about convenience. You can participate 24/7. Your PD is available anywhere the internet is available. And you can do as little or as much as you want each time you log in. Each PD opportunity costs only $30.
So what PD do we offer:
Print the online classes page, complete and mail/drop off to Auglaize County ESC with a check/cash for the classes. Once payment is received, an email will be sent to you with the website and a login and password. You will have one month to complete the class. You must obtain a 70% or better to pass the class and receive a certificate of completion. The certificate will be mailed to the address you provided on the form.
Participants Inside Auglaize County:
Email Donna Ankerman at dankerman@auglaizeesc.org and notify her which PD you are interested in along with your district. Once you are scheduled in the class, an email will be sent to you with the website and a login and password. You will have one month to complete the class. You must obtain a 70% or better to pass the class and receive a certificate of completion. The certificate will be forwarded to your school district.
LPDC Coordinator: Doug Adams
Contact Information:
419-738-3422 or dadams@auglaizeesc.org
Advancing to a 5 Year Professional License
If you are moving from a Supplemental, Alternative, or Resident Educator License after completing license requirements, you DO NOT apply for a new license. Instead, you advance your current license. Please find directions HERE
IPDP Form: Click here to view and download our IPDP form.
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