Community Sports and Therapy Center has served the healthcare needs of individuals in West Central Ohio since 1980. Our caring staff of rehabilitation specialists offers professional evaluation, skilled treatment, and education with an emphasis on functional improvement and health promotion! Community Sports and Therapy programs include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, massage therapy, and athletic training.
O, Rehabilitative Services, Inc.
The Community Sports and Therapy Center’s mission is to positively affect the health of individuals in our region by providing effective rehabilitative, educational, and wellness services. Our vision is to provide quality, goal-driven services utilizing an interdisciplinary team of caring rehabilitation and other healthcare providers that produces measurable functional outcomes and incorporates prevention strategies that optimize health and wellness. Our services are customer-centered, ethical, and accessible and it is our core belief that the dignity, rights, and confidentiality of our patients must always be protected.
Robert J. Hibner, MS, PT
CEO, Rehabilitative Services, Inc.
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